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Why Do You Need a Wesite?

When do we have the time?Remember the old days? You went down to the town square to shop. That's where the established and aspiring small business owners were. Then they started moving to the 'malls'. Today, it's eBay, Amazon, and thousands of other aggressive entrepreneurs, all online.
Brick and motar giants such as JCPenney, Walmart, Sears, all are online. Have you ever wondered why? Well, first and foremost, they know they have to be online. Their customers demand it. Second, there are unbelievable opportunities for e-commerce. For one thing, your store never closes. Your customer base suddenly becomes the world instead of your town. And third, 'Branding'. Starbucks, Nike, Harley, Bud, TCBY. All brands. Branding is nothing more than creating an emotional tie between your company, your product and the consumer. A website is one of the most cost effective ways of doing this.

In three short years, Amazon became the third-largest bookseller in the world…To help put that in perspective: It took Wal-Mart 12 years and 78 stores to hit $168 million in annual sales. Amazon hit $1 billion annualized sales after just three and one-half years. All without opening a single store. Fourth quarter sales in 2004 were $2.54 billion.

My Internet Sales Will Be Zero - Unless I Get A Website!In 1994, a mere 3 million people were connected to the Internet. By the end of 1998, more than 100 million worldwide were using it, including 62 million Americans.

"Acording to
Internet World Stats the Internet now has more than 888 million users. It's growing so fast it's almost impossible to track. The Internet has become the marketplace of the present and the future. And the future is NOW! You cannot afford to be left out!

he Internet is growing faster than all other technologies that have preceded it. Radio existed for 38 years before it had 50 million listeners, and television took 13 years to reach that mark. The Internet crossed the line in just four years.

Business-to business purchases, such as the wholesale purchase of supplies, reached $1 billion in 2001. Two years later, sales reached $11.7 BILLION. According to CNNMoney consumers spent $2.45 billion online between Dec. 13 and Dec. 19, 2004, an increase of 57 percent from a year earlier. This routinely saves some of America's largest companies hundreds of millions of dollars by lowering their cost and reducing inventories.

If you're ready to open the door to the future, CyberCreekDesign can put you there. Web design, shopping carts, shopping baskets, on-line stores... they're our specialty.